Friday, September 21, 2012

Chop Chop

I did it! I chopped my hair off. I said I wouldn't do this if we were moving to Hawaii (YES! That will be a post for another day.) But here I am, with much shorter hair...and I love it! I can still pull it back so it's definitely beach friendly. But now I can almost style my hair in less than 10 minutes. Give me less than 5 if I let it naturally curl up. My hair is so curly when it's this short! It's an inverted bob cut, so it's shorter in the back.

Please forgive the silly self-portrait
The Mr. doesn't know about my new "do" yet since he's been traveling all week. Do you think he'll like it? I'm already bracing myself for the "Oh, it's like a backwards mullet" comments from Aaron. "Party in the front and business in the back." Ugh. If you know him, you're laughing at this right now...HA HA.

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