We're on the home-stretch! I'm 34 weeks today and feeling pretty good....better than I deserve! My feet have been swelling a bit in the evenings, so i'm trying to take it easy these days. My parents flew back home after spending about a week with us. It was SO WONDERFUL. I love my parents. They're just a ton of fun and so loving. My mom cooked meals almost every night and made extra to put in our freezer for after the baby is born. My dad fixed our wireless printer (hooray!) and tracked down floor mats for our new Pilot which will come in handy for Aaron's fishing trips. It's much easier to clean mats than carpet! And then I joked about how if this kid is anything like me, he'll get car sick a lot and it'll be easier to clean up puke, too. Ha! I cannot express how thankful I am for them! It was hard to say goodbye yesterday, of course. It gets "easier" being so far away, but it's always just as hard to say goodbye after our visits together. But they'll be back in about a month! My mom plans to be out here for the delivery (we'll see when!) and my dad will fly out right after the little guy is born. My dad and I were saying how strange it is to think that the next time we see each other, we'll be holding our boy! I can't wait.
Our neighbors threw us a couples baby shower BBQ. What a great idea! The weather was beautiful and we were reminded, yet again, how COMPLETELY BLESSED we are to have the friends we do. With Easter being this past weekend, I spent one evening just thanking God for who He is and how He has blessed us. I was filled with so much joy from simply having a heart of thankfulness....i'm thankful for Salvation and that I'm completely loved and forgiven, I have the best husband - He's more than I could have ever dreamed of and he'll be the BEST dad in the world. And my friend Erica wrote in a card to us that she loves being a mom so much that she even loves the sleep depravation (even when it's really hard!) I know that might seem hard to wrap your mind around, but reading that was so encouraging to me! I will never take for granted the gift of being a mom and will be forever grateful for it. I'm even thankful for the little things - Like when "junior" tries to stick his elbow through my skin. ;) His movements are getting very wild! Not painful, just very noticeable - almost "alien-like" but actually very human! I love him so, so much.
ahh... that made me cry. SO TRUE!!
I don't want to get tooo sappy, and I know you alredy know, but there are going to be really hard times. Times when you don't think you can do it another minute. Take a deep breath and thank GOD that he gave you this time with your son. It doesn't matter what is happening, you GET to go through it, and you will come out on the other side stronger than before.
I won't lie to you, the end sucks! But Every day you will be closer to meeting the new little man in your life! And yes, you will even love the sleep deprivation...sort of. I know for me now that Isaiah sleeps for longer stretches at night, I literally jump out of bed as soon as he wakes up because I can't wait to see his face (even if I'm still tired!). You will be an amazing mama - how lucky "junior" is!
Dave Ramsey - love it! :) You're almost there! Sleep, sleep, sleep now! You won't have time when he's here and you also won't want to sleep even when Aaron lets you - you'll want to do nothing but hold your baby!
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