Because of the brave. You've heard it a lot. But oh how true it is. And we can rest assured in knowing that the God we love and serve has conquered the world and holds us in His hands.
...In the world, you are having tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.
John 16:33
Tuesday was a busy day for me. Our office was closed on Monday (bummer, since Aaron had the actual Veterans Day off) but we both observed the importance of the day in different ways. He hung with his Air Force buds and played some football. I always enjoy seeing those guys take a break because it seems like they work non-stop.
I stepped out of the office for a little over an hour on Veterans Day to attend the ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery. I hopped on the metro to get there and sat next to an older man with a hat that said "Navy" across the top. I thanked him for his service. He said, "Oh, it was a really long time ago." "That doesn't matter," I told him. "You served and for that i'm thankful."
I jumped off the metro and was in a hurry (I was running late) and met face to face with a young army soldier who was missing his leg. He was pushing his little boy in a stroller while he waved his American flag back and fourth. It was priceless. I began to sob as I reached for his arm to thank him. He was so gracious and humble. I was just overtaken with emotion for such sacrafice.
As a military wife, I immediately thought of his spouse. Thank the Lord, he made it home.
Arlington Cemetery was probably the most beautiful i've ever seen it. The day was crisp, the sun shining and the sky was incredibly blue. I wish I had pictures, but I think this particular day is better ingrained in my mind because pictures couldn't have done it half the justice.
My hope is that we can all take time out - any day of the week, month or year - to thank those who defend our freedom.