Monday, July 6, 2009

What we thought we wanted, and what we got instead...

I don't have much time to blog but I wanted to get this out in the open before we leave tomorrow for Europe (yay!)

So....remember my post titled, "While we're waiting"?? God does some interesting things. I wrote in that blog that even if things didn't work out the way we thought it would, He would still be praised. Well, this, of course, is ringing true and now we are TRUSTING and PRAISING God for his faithfulness and that he will lead us in the year ahead.

The job situation out west has just not gone as smoothly as we'd hoped, so Aaron was offered a position working with the Air Force air staff (Pentagon) on a 1-year contract. And just to clear up a few things: this is a civilian job for Aaron and it's ONE YEAR. I feel the need right now to emphasis this one year thing for my own sanity at the moment as I had thought all long that my heart was ready to leave this place. God has a way of doing these things, doesn't he?!?

So Aaron and I are preparing to live the city life, in a condo, and something walkable to most things....metro, office, shopping, etc. I'm actually looking forward to being a true city girl for the next year!

Please please PLEASE pray for Aaron as he makes this huge transition. It was an offer we just couldn't pass up....though there were some tears shed and many prayers in the decision-making process. We wish we weren't so far away from family :( Also, please pray for our housing situation and for me to find a wonderful job. Actually, how about we just start with praying for my motivation to look for a job - Ha! I've enjoyed the past 7 months as somewhat of a "stay at home wife" and keeping myself busy with volunteer work and watching babies for friends. I've loved every minute. Not to mention all of the fun travel we've been so blessed to experience!

So, needless to say, more and MORE life changes. Is there ever a dull moment in our lives??


Caitlin Moss said...

I understand how you feel - I'm sure God has something up His sleeve He plans on throwing at you in no time!

Mari said...

Ah ha! So we have a chance to visit after all! So sometime in the next year we will make it happen!!

Sorry the plans didn't work out how you thought, but of course you know that His ways are better than ours. I'm glad he got a job though. It's something I've just begun worrying about after Gabe's separation from the Army. Let the praying begin!

Erica said...

So you are not leaving us after all... Los Tol Tecos dates!!! YEAH! I have friends again!