I'm so excited to make this post because we've been waiting! Baby Casey arrived on Friday, 3 June at exactly 11:45 a.m. On Thursday night, I was feeling funny so I went to bed around 10 p.m. I told Aaron I was frustrated because I felt like I needed to pee every 10 minutes - I was feeling so much pressure! I got up out of bed after I had only been laying down for about 15 minutes and I felt something trickling down my leg. I quickly realized that my water was leaking. I yelled out to Aaron, "Babe, I think i'm in labor! It's happening!" Within a few minutes I was feeling strong contractions about 7 minutes apart. I called the doctor on call and he said to go ahead and come into the hospital because they needed to give me antibiotics (for being GBS positive - no big deal though). Aaron wanted to stop by his office to see if he could pick up his work computer since he obviously wouldn't be going into work the next day. By the time we got to his office just a few miles away, I was in a lot of intense pain and I said, "My contractions feel really close....is it all supposed to happen this fast?" Contractions had gone from 7 minutes to about 5 minutes apart in less than a half hour. They got so strong that about 10 minutes from the hospital I made Aaron pull to the side of the road to let me pee. I could NOT hold it! And yes, I really did pee right along a side-walk....and an elementary school. Such a fine moment.
Once at the hospital, they checked me into my room and had me put a gown on. That's when my water completely broke. Once that happened, things really picked up even more. Within the next half hour or so, my contractions were about 2 minutes apart. After having zero relief for a bit, I opted for an epidural and do not feel bad about it. In fact, Aaron and I were both able to sleep for a few hours that night. So at midnight I was 4 centimeters, by 3 a.m. I was around 5, by 7 a.m. I was at 8 and by 9 a.m. I was a full 10! My mom had hopped a red eye flight from Seattle and got to the hospital right around 9. By 10 a.m. I was feeling enough pressure to start pushing. I had the most incredible nurse named Kim who made the experience so wonderful! Aaron and my mom were a huge help too. And to top it off, my most favorite OB happened to be on call (I had prayed for this!) So after only 1.5 hours of pushing, our sweet baby Case was out and in my arms! It was such an incredible experience! I could hardly believe I was holding him and seeing his face. By far the best moment of my life! It's almost surreal to Aaron and I that this little person is part of us. And only about 12 hours of labor, start to finish- I think that was the Lord's mercy on me for having such a rough pregnancy!
Now we are home getting used to our new life! So far, Case is a great sleeper and eater. My milk supply came in after only 3 days. Nursing is one of the most challenging things I've ever done, but i'm so thankful that my body is cooperating so that I can do it. I really enjoy our mommy/baby time and we're getting better at it with each new day. My mom has been such a HUGE help. Aaron has been able to work since she's here and we honestly don't know what we'd do without her!
Aaron is the most incredible daddy and is loving his new son. They're so cute together when they cuddle. I'm already seeing a new, even softer side of my beloved husband. It's so wonderful!! We couldn't be happier. We thank God for blessing us the way he has!
He's so handsome! I love his name too :)
Keep the pictures coming!
Awww I am so happy for you Jenny. It is such a great story, and I love this pictures. He is such a handsome boy. I can't wait to meet him and see more pictures!!!
The perfect story - so happy for you! Can't wait to meet him!
I am thinking about you EVERY single day, Jenny! This is the most incredible time, for so many reasons. I can recall being stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, nervous because I had no idea what I was doing, but mainly, I just remember feeling emotional ALL THE TIME because it cannot be human to feel this much LOVE! It's supernatural to say the least. So happy you have family visiting to help you - when they're gone you will REALLY know what a blessing it was to have them stay with you! :) Enjoy it. Before you know it, Casey will be almost crawling, about to cut teeth and you will have no idea where the time went... xoxo
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